Cheyenne Country, part 2
The Great Journey: a roundtrip through Bear Butte, Sturgis, Rapid City, Devils Tower, Bighorn Mountains and Medicine Wheel, Cody, round the Yellowstone and drive back with Beartooth Pass.
The Great Journey: a roundtrip through Bear Butte, Sturgis, Rapid City, Devils Tower, Bighorn Mountains and Medicine Wheel, Cody, round the Yellowstone and drive back with Beartooth Pass.
My friend Eugene Little Coyote invited me to his home. We’ve known each other and worked together on various of his projects for over 10 years, but never actually met in person. The trip was going to make up for that.
Wielka Podróż: roundtrip przez Bear Butte, Sturgis, Rapid City, Devils Tower, Bighorn Mountains i Medicine Wheel, Cody, na wskroś Yellowstone i powrót przez Beartooth Pass.
Mój przyjaciel, Eugene Little Coyote zaprosił mnie do siebie. Znaliśmy się od ponad 10 lat, pomagałem mu w paru jego projektach, jednak nigdy jeszcze nie spotkaliśmy się osobiście. Wkrótce miało się to zmienić.